Why develop a MitID integration with KOEBT?
We have extensive experience in making integration solutions with NemID and would be more than happy to help with your upcoming MitID integration! In collaboration with your selected MitID broker, we can help integrate your company with MitID.
We believe there are several reasons why you should integrate with MitID:
- There is greater online security, e.g., logins, approval of various online actions, or digital signatures.
- As a user of MitID, you achieve greater security of your identity.
- With MitID, you easily get the opportunity to identify yourself across public e-services in the EU.
- Greater ease of use and quick setup.
- It can be integrated with your company’s systems so you can give your users a more secure online experience.
What is MitID?
MitID is your new digital ID which gradually replaces the well-known key card, NemID. There are constantly new compliance standards and the need for increased online security: this is where MitID comes into the picture.
MitID is a further development of NemID and must ensure that you, as a user of the internet, achieve greater security and flexibility when you, for example, must transfer money via your online bank, login to your e-boks, or on borger.dk.
In addition to a more secure experience with MitID, you also get a better user experience. MitID is primarily developed as an app where you easily and quickly approve your actions online with a single swipe.
- MitID consists of your personal user ID, a 6-digit password, and a MitID authenticator. When you log on to a platform with MitID, you first enter your user ID and then use your MitID authenticator to confirm your login with your password. MitID is an excellent way to secure your users and company against unauthorized persons. At KOEBT, we have good experience with integrations with NemID and can simply and quickly help you with your MitID integration.
- What is a MitID authenticator? A MitID authenticator is, e.g., the MitID app, a code display, chip, or audio code reader. Therefore, you can easily choose which MitID authenticator suits your use of MitID best. MitID has been developed through a collaboration between the public sector and the banks in Denmark.
If you want to know more about the individual MitID authenticators, you can read more here.

What is a MitID broker?
To get a MitID integration, make sure you’re affiliated with a certified MitID broker. A broker handles the authentication process of the end-user and acts as an intermediary between the MitID solution itself and the MitID service provider. The broker concept has been established to increase the security of MitID and make it easier for service providers to develop a MitID integration. Start the conversation about a MitID integration by contacting us here.
Currently, there are 11 approved and certified MitID brokers.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
With MitID, you have the option of Single Sign-On to give your customers, employees, and partners easy access with a single login to your company’s applications and/or partners. With Single Sign-On, you can easily ensure that relevant users are automatically logged in to your company’s system portfolio. This saves you time logging in every time you need to use a new application.
If you’re interested in the Single Sign-On function, you must choose a MitID broker that supports the option.
Fordele ved Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Greater ease of use and flexibility.
- A higher degree of access security (your MitID broker will evaluate and assess the risk of a Single Sign-On in the specific situation it is desired to use).
- Release of resources and increased productivity.
- Improve compliance and security features.
- Provides greater opportunity to facilitate collaborations between companies (B2B).
How to set up a MitID integration?
KOEBT is an integration engine that transfers data from one system to another. KOEBT automates and handles all the tasks involved in integrating your company’s systems and platforms.
With KOEBT, your MitID solution is set up in collaboration with your selected MitID broker to ensure that all your relevant data is processed and integrated securely with your existing IT systems.
Do you have any questions regarding a MitID integration? Then you’re more than welcome to contact us.