A communications entrance
If you have ended up on this page but are not quite sure what exactly an API is or why you use it, here is a short explanation. An API is, very simply put, an interface that you can send data (a kind of commando) to, which will be handled by the system it is sent to. As for KOEBT, our API can make sure that the data (the commandos) that are sent will be forwarded to the exact program or system, you want. In other words, an API is a communications entrance that ensures uniform communication between your systems and programs. KOEBT is our system to make connecting multiple systems easier. E.g. through our API for KOEBT.

Open up for a world of integrations
You can connect with our API and build independent applications to be connected with your version of KOEBT and thus, open up for a world of integrations. Through our API, you can send your data to the exact system that makes sense for your business.
As an example, one could think that you would like to integrate your mail system, internal communication program, booking system, bookkeeping, or something different, which KOEBT handles easily.
Why use the KOEBT API when I can just integrate directly to my bookkeeping system, newsletter system, etc.?
Integrating with KOEBT gives you a long list of functions. Besides the obvious – that KOEBT can easily integrate a number of platforms – KOEBT also ensures that you can continue working on your integration later on. As an example, if you integrate your webshop system directly with e-conomic, it becomes difficult to connect any further integrations – or change the integration, if you change your bookkeeping system. Also, we continuously maintain KOEBT so you don’t need to maintain the entire integration.

Set up rules for better (digital) communication
With our API, your programs and control systems can communicate with each other. So, the API defines certain “rules” so that you, and your programs, can make the control systems perform specific tasks. Do you e.g. want the booking done in your booking system to be automatically transferred with a synchronized calendar? Then that’s KOEBT at work.
Pre-built integrations and tools for all stacks
At KOEBT, we offer pre-built integrations such as WooCommerce and e-conomic as these are the two platforms the developers we work with have particularly good experience with using. However, we have not yet found two systems and/or programs we can’t integrate, so if you swear by something other than our pre-built integrations it is no problem.
Also, we support numerous different stacks such as classic linux-based stacks and traditional windows-based stacks.
Here you see an example of how you work with KOEBT’s API. This might be particularly interesting if you are a software developer who works in an agency that works with e-commerce sites – or maybe you work directly in an e-commerce company. Our API is continuously updated with more endpoints added so that you can get the most out of your systems and programs.

Contact us today
Are you interested in learning more about our API, how your systems or your company can benefit from it, or something else, then please, do not hesitate to contact us. We are always ready to help with figure out what can create the most value for you, your company, and your customers.