Why integrate NemID with KOEBT?
We are fond of developing solutions that use NemID. We have a lot of experience – and we are looking forward to helping you with your NemID solution. Here are several benefits of integrating with NemID:
- Very high security
- Secures the identity of each user
- Can be integrated into the company’s system to authenticate the user
- Quick and cost effective to set up and maintain.
What is NemID?
NemID is your secure login solution on the Internet, which can be used for online banking, communicating with the public sectors, or communicating with the many companies that offer login through NemID. This means that with NemID, you use the same login everywhere. Regardless of whether you want to use your online bank, access Borger.dk, download your annual statement from SKAT, read your Digital Post or arrange your insurance. You can take NemID with you and log in from other computers and mobile devices. It only requires that you have a connection to the Internet to use your NemID.
- NemID consists of a user ID, a password and a key card with one-time codes (cardboard card). When you log in, you first enter your user ID and password and then a code from your key card. NemID login is an excellent way to secure users and the company against unauthorized people. At KOEBT, we have a lot of experience with the secure login function, including NemID and MitID, and we can help you find the right solution.
- With the NemID key app, you can use your NemID directly from your smartphone or tablet – without having the key card at hand. When you choose to use your NemID key app on websites or in apps, you get a message on your smartphone or tablet with a request. Approval is given with a swipe in the NemID key app. With the key app, you do not need the key card with you at all times, and the great thing is – you never run out of keys and never need a replacement cardboard card. NemID key app has been developed through a collaboration between the financial sector and the public sector.

Single Sign On (SSO)
Single Sign On gives your customers, employees, and partners easy access with one single login for all applications. When you as a user log in to Single Sign-On, you will automatically be logged in to the entire system portfolio. You only need to log in once with your username and password, and thereby save time having to log in every time you want to access a new application. Single Sign-On provides your users with a simple solution and you will achieve enhanced ease of use as well as efficiency.
We can combine your Single Sign-On solution with NemID, Microsoft login (Azure Active Directory), and more.
Benefits of SSO:
- Enhanced usability.
- Higher level of security (access security) – keeps data more secure.
- Increased productivity.
- Save money on user administration.
- Release of resources.
- Improves compliance and security features.
- Facilitates B2B collaboration.
- Greater flexibility.
Who uses NemID?
We have developed web apps, websites, and integration solutions, for some of the country’s largest companies. Example are L’Oréal, Glyptoteket, Ørsted (formerly DONG Energy) and DR Koncerthuset. Regardless of the industry and sector you are in, you may need a login function with high security. This can be provided with a NemID integration.
Which systems do you integrate NemID with?
KOEBT makes information flow securely and quickly between the various applications it supports. In the case of Apotekeren.dk, KOEBT had an important role – to create integration between content management systems (CMS), NemID identification, NNIT prescription services and storage systems such as Nomeco and TMJ for a healthy and easy solution.
Why do you use NemID?
Security around NemID is paramount, and these three things are an important part of security in the solution: Something you know (user ID and password), and something you have (key card). If your NemID should be misused, a cyber criminal would have to snatch both your user ID, password as well as your key card. Thus, NemID is much better protected against burglars and hackers than many other solutions that are only protected by a password.

How do you set-up NemID?
KOEBT sets it all up for you and makes sure that the NemID solution communicates with your existing IT systems. We focus on your company and your customers throughout the development process. In this way, we guarantee a good result with immediate effect.
Employee signature
You can use NemID employee signature to identify yourself as an employee from a specific company or organization – this is for example when you:
- Address the public on behalf of the company.
- Sign documents online.
- Need to access information from a public authority.
- Log on to private web services.
- Log on to internal IT systems (if your workplace offers this).
You can also use the employee signature to send and receive secure emails that are encrypted or signed with a digital signature.
In order to use NemID employee signatures, your company must first enter into an agreement with Nets. You enter into the agreement when you first order a NemID employee signature.
How does NemID work with KOEBT?
KOEBT makes your systems communicate with each other and automates processes. With NemID, we can guarantee a good solution with great user-friendliness without compromising security.
We have created a NemID login solution for the unemployment insurance fund BUPL and as part of a data integration chain at a medicine retailer. The drug retailer is one of the only retailers where customers can buy their prescription drugs online. This is thanks to NemID.