What is UNI•Login?
UNI•Login is a digital ID used by students, parents and staff / teachers to access the national education services such as online teaching materials, national tests and more.
A system that creates a secure profile and simplifies your access to key education applications. At KOEBT, we integrate UNI•Login with other IT systems to ensure a secure authentication process, streamline access and data exchange across systems. UNI•Login can be used both for free web services and for web services that institutions can subscribe to. Many institutions use UNI•Login for access control on local networks, intranets, wireless networks, cloud services and other web solutions, where users must be ensured easy access.
Why integrate UNI•Login with KOEBT?
The biggest advantages are:
- High security
- Minimal human errors
- Saves on time and resources
- Requires no system changes
- Fast paced processes
- Improved service level and efficiency
- Automated processes for ensure accuracy
A more technical explanation:
UNI•Login consists of Unilogin Broker (a login distributor), Unilogin IdP (a login solution / Identity Provider), Unilogin VoksenVerified (a step-up solution for children), Student Access (a user interface for employees to step-up students and renewal of students’ password). In addition, School Basic Data and Connection are available. School Basic Data includes basic data on students. Connection is a system for managing data exchange between authorities, services and STIL.
Overall, this provides a login solution that is made available for digital solutions, including digital teaching aids, learning platforms and collaborative solutions, used in the education sector and in the day care area.
UNI•Login can be used by students, staff and parents associated with the schools. Unilogin VoksenVerified can only be used by students. Student access can be used by employees associated with a student’s main group at an institution. If parents or contact persons are to provide extra security for a student’s identity, this must be done with their own NemID.
When users log in to a service with their UNI•Login, they are ‘authenticated’. That is, the system documents to the service that the user is who he / she pretends to be.

UNI•Login’s system landscape consists of a number of elements, including:
- UNI•Login authentication
- UNI•Login authorization and student registration
- Connection system
Read more on each specific system.
Who uses UNI•Login?
With UNI•Login, students, parents and staff at institutions can access the national educational services and services. Including online teaching aids, national tests etc.
In connection with, or as an alternative to, NemID, UNI•Login is used as a login function on the Danish learning portal EMU.dk, StudentIntra, ParentsIntra and in majorities of upper secondary schools, primary and lower secondary schools. UNI•Login is used by several educational institutions as well as suppliers of education-relevant material.
Why use UNI•Login?
At KOEBT, we can integrate UNI•Login with other IT systems to ensure a secure authentication process and streamline access and data exchange across systems. UNI•Login is used by many in Denmark. It offers high security, which we can make use of in projects together with public bodies.

Which system do you integrate UNI•Login with?
Here are some examples of projects, where we integrated UNI•Login:
Finans Danmark – Once a year, Finans Danmark holds ‘Money Week’. For this, they prepare teaching materials, films, and quizzes such as Money Week quiz 2017, where Elementary schools spend a week on financial and economic understandings among students in the 7th and 8th grade. After an in-depth analysis of providers in the market, Twentyfour was chosen as the provider of Money Week 2017’s online quiz.
“We are extremely ambitious about ‘Money Week’, as it is extremely important to teach young Danish kids financial understanding. Therefore, we were looking for a supplier who could understand our vision and live up to our requirements and expectations. ” -Mads Rørvig, Finans Danmark.
Despite the fact that ‘Money Week’s’ largest target group is young students, the vision is to spread the message of responsible finances to as many Danes as possible. Therefore, in addition to the students’ UNI•Login, a Facebook login was also implemented. Now the whole of Denmark can quiz with and against each other. The dedicated quiz site was optimized for mobile and tablet so that all quiz participants can battle across all platforms.
Rigsarkivet – As part of the National Archives’ desire to spread and teach Danish history, they wanted to build a tool that would make it fun and exciting for primary school students to learn about Danish history. The choice was an online family tree, which the students themselves must fill in with the help of the National Archives’ historical documents. Of particular importance was the fact that the students were able to log in to the system with UNI•Login.
“The integration with UNI•Login was a central part. We are very pleased with the result that Twentyfour delivered.” – May-Brit Lauritsen, Project Manager, Rigsarkivet.
UNI•Login is used by, among others, elementary schools and universities across the country to authenticate students (and teachers) by login. It can be compared to NemID. The UNI•Login databases contain information about the student’s and teacher’s name, CPR number and school, and other related information. Another example of using UNI•Login is when school tests need to be taken. Here, students log in with their UNI•Login.
How does UNI•Login function with KOEBT?
KOEBT works in the background, making it possible to connect several systems together. Whether the specific systems to be integrated are already in use or not, we help you build the best possible integration system so that your operation can run almost effortlessly. Once the integrations are in place, KOEBT makes sure to send the right data to the right systems at the right time, so that the daily workflow is facilitated and streamlined. With UNI•Login you get high security in your login function and make sure that the right people have access.
Typical customers and integrations
KOEBT is an integration platform that transfers data from one system to another. It handles all tasks involved in integrating different systems and platforms seamlessly and without human involvement, once configured. KOEBT can connect all types of systems, regardless of industry, IT architecture or code language. The KOEBT technology has so far been used for a wide range of integrations, including ERP, CRM, webshop, website, newsletter, NemID, UNI login and specialized systems.